The Top Skills and Qualifications Employers Look for in Nurses Today
myhealthPD Editorial Team
May 16, 2023
3 min read
May 16, 2023
3 min read
myhealthPD Editorial Team
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Nursing is a dynamic and ever-changing profession, and the role of nurses in healthcare continues to evolve. With the increasing demand for high-quality patient care, employers are seeking nurses with a specific set of skills and qualifications that can help them meet these demands. In this blog post, we will discuss the top skills and qualifications employers are looking for in nurses today, and how online professional development training can help nurses develop these sought-after skills.

  1. Clinical Competence

One of the most important skills employers look for in nurses is clinical competence. This refers to a nurse's ability to provide safe and effective patient care, based on their knowledge of clinical principles and practices. Employers want to hire nurses who are skilled in performing tasks such as medication administration, wound care, and patient assessment. Online professional development training can help nurses develop and enhance their clinical competence through courses that cover topics such as pharmacology, advanced nursing procedures, and patient assessment.

  1. Critical Thinking

Another skill that employers value highly in nurses is critical thinking. Nurses are often called upon to make quick and informed decisions in complex and challenging situations, so employers want to hire nurses who are skilled in problem-solving, decision-making, and clinical reasoning. Online professional development training can help nurses improve their critical thinking skills through courses that cover topics such as problem-solving, decision-making, and clinical reasoning.

  1. Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration are essential components of high-quality patient care. Employers want to hire nurses who are skilled in communicating effectively with patients, families, and other healthcare professionals, and who can work collaboratively in a team-based care environment. Online professional development training can help nurses improve their communication and collaboration skills through courses that cover topics such as team building, conflict resolution, and effective communication strategies.

  1. Technological Proficiency

Technology is playing an increasingly important role in healthcare, and employers are seeking nurses who are comfortable using the latest technological tools and devices. Nurses need to be able to use electronic health records, telehealth technologies, and other technological tools to provide high-quality patient care. Online professional development training can help nurses develop their technological proficiency through courses that cover topics such as telehealth, electronic health records, and other technology tools.

  1. Continuing Education

Finally, employers are looking for nurses who are committed to ongoing education and professional development. Nurses who engage in continuing education are better equipped to provide the highest quality of care to their patients, and are more likely to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in healthcare. Online professional development training can help nurses develop a lifelong learning mindset by providing convenient, accessible, and high-quality educational opportunities.

In conclusion, the top skills and qualifications employers look for in nurses today include clinical competence, critical thinking, communication and collaboration, technological proficiency, and a commitment to ongoing education and professional development. Online professional development training can help nurses develop these sought-after skills through a range of courses and educational opportunities. By investing in their ongoing education and professional development, nurses can become more effective and confident clinicians, and improve their job prospects in today's competitive healthcare job market.


  • American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing Professional Development: Scope and Standards of Practice. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association.
  • Institute of Medicine. (2010). The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
  • Keenan, G. M., Yakel, E., Tschannen, D., Mandeville, M., & Steinberg, B. (2019). Measuring Progress in Professional Development: A Continuing Education Needs Assessment. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 50(5)
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